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[제23권 2호] A Comprehensive Study of ODA Strategies to Algeria : The Case of South Korea and the EU

ODA contributes to establish and reinforce relationships between donorand recipient countries. Most of researches have focused on its impact oneconomic, social, and political fields of developing countries, while donors’objectives and motives of ODA were largely neglected. Few comparativestudies on motives of distinct donors (traditional and old donors such asthe EU and its Member States and emerging donor country such as SouthKorea) help rightly understand the nature of ODA of different donors ofthese two categories. This paper aims to confirm the dichotomy ofpolitical and economic bias in ODA in the case of Algeria, a recipientcountry both from the EU and from South Korea. Findings from this casestudy are that the EU’s general tendency to stress political consequenceswith regard to the European Neighborhood Policy and EuropeanNeighborhood Instrument is also observed in its own ODA to Algeria.The politically oriented perspective of the EU resulted from the fact thatthe EU and its Member States, privileging evaluation of political impactof a policy (democracy, rule of law, and human rights), have imposedcertain political conditions on ODA strategies, too, since the beginning ofthe 2000s. By contrast, South Korea’s ODA offerings are said to bebased on economic motives. Statistical analysis through multipleregression will be applied in this paper to see the degree to whichforeign assistance of the EU and South Korea has correlation witheconomic factors, such as volume of export, import and FDI. Statisticalanalysis confirms that the EU’s ODA has no correlation with economicfactors, but that of Korea has high correlation with economic ones. Inbrief, motives of the EU’s ODA to Algeria is more politically thaneconomically oriented, the latter being the case of South Korea’s ODA.

※ Key words: ODA, South Korea, EU, Algeria, economic and politicalmotives
