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[제23권 2호] Recognition and Change of National Identity among North Korean Defectors

조회수 : 314

Korean reunification should be oriented on social integration based onemotions and values rather than on institutional reunification. Systemicintegration means the integration of economic relations, power structure,and institutions. Social integration symbolizes psychological unity amongthe inhabitants, not physical and systemic integration. It is not a matterof system between systems, rather it is the responsibility of forminghomogeneity among the people.From the moment North Korean defectors cross the border, theyexperience chaos in defining their national identity. This is due to thediscrepancy between the identity they had in North Korea and theircurrent status. They face the need to establish a new national identityupon entering South Korea. There are four types of national identityamong North Korean defectors who have entered South Korea: They arecategorized as ‘South Koreans whose hometown is North Korea,’ ‘SouthKorean nationals from North Korea,’ ‘South Korean nationals who escapedfrom the North,’ and ‘individualists who escaped from their country.’

※ Key Words: Identity, Integration, North Korean defector, migrant,refugee
